As you read through the book of Numbers this month, you won’t be able to miss the grumbling and complaining of the Israelites, particularly in chapter 11:1-3 where we read that God sends fire down from heaven because the people complained about their hardships. In that same chapter, they are found grumbling that they have no meat or fish and they voice their complaint that there is only manna. In chapter 14 they complain and refuse to enter Canaan, insisting that they return to Egypt, a statement that they use many times, including chapter 16, where there they found themselves without water and gathered together against Moses and Aaron. The people contended with Moses, saying, “If only we had died when our brothers died before the Lord! Why have you brought up the Lord’s community into this wilderness? So that we and our cattle should die here? Why have you brought us up from Egypt only to bring us to this dreadful place? It is no place for grain, or figs, or vines, or pomegranates; nor is there any water to drink!” In Numbers 21:4-9, still dissatisfied with the manna, this time they spoke against God and Moses, complaining that there was no bread or water. As we read through these passages, we may be tempted to excuse the complaints as just an expressed desire for the ‘better/more satisfying provision,’ however, we find God is not pleased with their complaints and makes it known to the people, as was seen in 11:1-3 and 21:4-9.
Reading through the history of Israel’s complaints and the knowing how it displeased God should serve as a great reminder to keep our tongues from complaining. In the New Testament, Paul teaches this very thing to the Philippians, telling them to “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish though you live in a crooked and perverse society, in which you shine as lights in the world.”
When my girls were little, we sang a Scripture song by *Steve Green called “Do Everything Without Complaining.1” It was from Philippians 2:14 and was a great teaching tool for those times when they complained about something or someone. In all honesty, it was a teaching tool for me as well, and the verse has stuck with me/us all these years. Now, the Spirit is quick to use it to convict when complaints start flowing. The idea Paul was seeking to convey to the Philippians was that when we are complaining and arguing, we are opening ourselves (the body of Christ) up to criticism. He encouraged them to live clean and innocent lives as children of God so that they would shine as bright lights in a crooked and perverse world.
The words were simple and repetitive*, but when it came time to put away toys, do homework, or clean their room, it was an effectively catchy measure of warding off the complaining and arguing that would sometimes ensue.
“Do everything without complaining.
Do everything without arguing
so that you may become blameless
and pure children of God.
Without complaining - without arguing
Do - do everything!”
As adults, our complaining may not always hinge on having to take out the trash or do the dishes; it’s more likely to revolve around life’s daily frustrations and suffering, much like the Israelites of Moses’ day.
While the girls and I no longer sing the song, we have learned to look for God’s fingerprints and blessings throughout the day. We name them and share them and strive to focus on them, particularly when the hurts and disappointments or inconveniences of life arise. Naming the blessings sets our minds on God, His goodness, His mercy, His grace, and His love, and the list goes on and on. When this happens, our complaining tongues are replaced with praises, peace, and contentment; it’s then that we experience triumph over frustrations and disappointments.
Today, let’s echo the prayer of Crisswell Freeman* - “Lord, I can either count my blessings or complain about my disappointments. Today, help me to focus my thoughts upon my blessings, my gifts, and my opportunities. Amen2”
1 Hide ‘Em In Your Heart, Volume 1, Reissue, Compact Disc [CD] By: Steve Green CAPITOL CHRISTIAN MUSIC GROUP / 2003 / COMPACT DISC
2 Crisswell Freeman, “Prayers to Start Your Day”; by Smith Freeman Publishing
Reading through the history of Israel’s complaints and the knowing how it displeased God should serve as a great reminder to keep our tongues from complaining. In the New Testament, Paul teaches this very thing to the Philippians, telling them to “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish though you live in a crooked and perverse society, in which you shine as lights in the world.”
When my girls were little, we sang a Scripture song by *Steve Green called “Do Everything Without Complaining.1” It was from Philippians 2:14 and was a great teaching tool for those times when they complained about something or someone. In all honesty, it was a teaching tool for me as well, and the verse has stuck with me/us all these years. Now, the Spirit is quick to use it to convict when complaints start flowing. The idea Paul was seeking to convey to the Philippians was that when we are complaining and arguing, we are opening ourselves (the body of Christ) up to criticism. He encouraged them to live clean and innocent lives as children of God so that they would shine as bright lights in a crooked and perverse world.
The words were simple and repetitive*, but when it came time to put away toys, do homework, or clean their room, it was an effectively catchy measure of warding off the complaining and arguing that would sometimes ensue.
“Do everything without complaining.
Do everything without arguing
so that you may become blameless
and pure children of God.
Without complaining - without arguing
Do - do everything!”
As adults, our complaining may not always hinge on having to take out the trash or do the dishes; it’s more likely to revolve around life’s daily frustrations and suffering, much like the Israelites of Moses’ day.
While the girls and I no longer sing the song, we have learned to look for God’s fingerprints and blessings throughout the day. We name them and share them and strive to focus on them, particularly when the hurts and disappointments or inconveniences of life arise. Naming the blessings sets our minds on God, His goodness, His mercy, His grace, and His love, and the list goes on and on. When this happens, our complaining tongues are replaced with praises, peace, and contentment; it’s then that we experience triumph over frustrations and disappointments.
Today, let’s echo the prayer of Crisswell Freeman* - “Lord, I can either count my blessings or complain about my disappointments. Today, help me to focus my thoughts upon my blessings, my gifts, and my opportunities. Amen2”
1 Hide ‘Em In Your Heart, Volume 1, Reissue, Compact Disc [CD] By: Steve Green CAPITOL CHRISTIAN MUSIC GROUP / 2003 / COMPACT DISC
2 Crisswell Freeman, “Prayers to Start Your Day”; by Smith Freeman Publishing