Due to inclement weather, the 9 a.m. service for Sunday, Jan. 20 has been cancelled. We will have one morning service at 10:45 a.m. as road conditions improve.

The Gospel

For God so loved the world ...

- John 3:16

The Best Known Verse

John 3:16 is perhaps the best-known verse in all of the Bible. It has brought peace to so many who have believed in Christ for the gift of “eternal life” He promises. Consider with me what it says to you today.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Of all the words in that verse, look specifically at the words “whoever,” “world,” “perish,” and “eternal.” Everything you need to know at this moment is included in those four words.

Certainly, this verse implies that everyone (“whoever”) living in this world is going to “perish” physically. But it means so much more, and you simply must not miss it.

This verse explains that those who die without knowing Christ as their Savior will experience an eternal death involving separation from God forever in a place of eternal punishment. That’s the ultimate meaning of the word “perish.”

As you can imagine, that’s a big problem for all mankind, including you and me. We are all sinners who deserve the punishment for our sins, and the only way the problem could be fixed was for God’s perfect Son to come and pay the penalty for our sins.

The Greatest Love

What would motivate God to do such a thing as that? Well, the answer is in the word “love” in John 3:16. God “loved” the world (you and me) so much that He has given His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, for our eternal good.

When it says, “He gave His only Son,” we understand that Jesus came from Heaven to do for us what we could not do for ourselves: pay mankind’s sin penalty. Are you beginning to see the “love” this would take on God’s behalf?

Only the Son of God could pay our debt in full and make it possible for us to become a part of His family.

None of us could do that for ourselves because we cannot pay in full the debt we owe. It took the sinless Son of God to pay our complete sin penalty so that He could offer “eternal life” and the forgiveness of our sins to anyone willing to receive it.

One Perfect Life

This meant that Jesus had to live in perfect obedience to the Law of God (be sinless), die a death He did not personally deserve, endure the penalty of our sins, and ultimately rise again from the grave as proof that He alone can remedy the world’s “eternal punishment” problem. That’s what Christians call the Gospel or the Good News!

Some might say, “Surely you have to do something to receive a gift as wonderful as this.” But there is a contradiction in that statement, since to “do” something would mean that it is no longer a “gift.”

Jesus has done everything necessary so that “eternal life” can be your gift, as well as the gift of anyone willing to receive what He has promised. That’s why there are so many joyful Christians living out their lives with thanksgiving to God for “loving” them and giving them “eternal life.” And the GREAT NEWS…it’s available to anyone who will “believe” in Jesus.

Enjoying the Benefit

Notice carefully that when you “believe” in Jesus, you automatically receive the gift of “eternal life.” Christ has done all of the work for us so that you and I can enjoy the benefit of what He has done. That’s why you’ve been given this pamphlet, so that you might know Jesus as your Savior and possess the gift of “eternal life.”

There is no greater peace, joy, hope, or freedom than knowing that your sins are forgiven, that Jesus is your Savior, that a home in Heaven has been reserved for you, and that you’ve been given this gift of “eternal life.” And it is a gift you can never lose, no matter what may happen in your life in the future.

Why not stop right now and tell Jesus in a moment of prayer that you are trusting Him now for this wonderful gift? Remember, it’s believing in Christ for eternal life that brings God’s salvation to you. But saying it in prayer to Him is a great way of expressing your faith with gratefulness for all He’s done to make “eternal life” possible.

Now you can probably better see why this is the best known and perhaps most loved of all the verses in the Bible.

Let us know you accepted Christ today

If you “believed” in Jesus today to be your Savior, we’d love for you to let us know, or the friend who sent you this presentation, so we can celebrate with you. People have been praying that others would read these words and receive the gift of eternal life.